Media Center Pc Software Where Can I Get A Good Alternative Software To Media Center?

Where can I get a good alternative software to Media Center? - media center pc software

I have a Dell laptop comes with a USB TV-Turner. Works great with my laptop. But now I'll see if I can do it with a Media Center PC software not sure about a good alternative use /.

Suggestions? Once you do that?


jjki_117... said...

Many Tunermanufacturers software you are yoiu using the tuner with any PC, ions similar to MCE, but allows an interface that is not as good as MCE. The problem is that Dell is not likely an OEM version of the tuner come with the software. You can download the tuner software and see if it works.

Anonymous said...

First, you need the TV tuner driver and then there are a lot of them. Programs that you can use to capture video from your TV tuner as Nero, Pinnacle Studio, etc.
I use Cyberlink Power Director and works well.

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